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16th May 2013 - (uploaded WANTED by Matsuri Hino manga review)

Thursday 16 May 2013

WANTED by Matsuri Hino manga review

Hey everyone! Chiyoe here.  (●ω<)
As the title about says... I am going to review the one shot manga WANTED by Matsuri Hino.
This review is going to be really in depth because of one reason...
I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS ONE-SHOT MANGA. (I even bought the manga at the bookstore)

Most frequent readers of mangas would find this author really familiar and you are right! She is the famous creator of the series, Merupuri, Vampire Knight and etc.
WANTED is one of her only one shot mangas out there and let's begin!

Storyline: (From Sweet-Lunacy) Armelia is an orphan girl who sings for work. One day, she met a boy, Luce, and falls in love with him. Unfortunately, Luce was kidnapped by the notorious pirate, Scar. Armelia swears to herself that one day she'll rescue Luce. But the truth is not what she thought it was...

The manga starts with Armelia singing to..
a Duke at his estate.
She has been singing for hours and her throat was starting to hurt really bad. Luce had then yelled at his uncle to stop and had grabbed Armelia away. When they were away, he picked a pretty flower that shares the same name as Armelia and gives it to her. Just then, the estate was attacked by the notorious pirates led by Captain Scar. Luce was taken away and Armelia vows to find him again.

Several years later, Armelia has cut her hair to look more boyish (boyish look ftw~! (⌒▽⌒)) and she sneaks onboard Scar's ship with the name, Alto. While singing a song at night, a drunk shipmate mistook her for a siren and shot her in the shoulder. She fell off the ship and into the waters and the captain dived in to save him(err her ;x) 

After getting back on board the ship, they took off her shirt to look at the wound... 
only to see buubs. (boobs, breasts etc)

I love how matsuri hino had drawn the pirate shipmates. 
(pervy eyes and the captain face-palming himself)

Alto then asks for Luce, only to hear the captain saying that Luce is dead and that he killed himself.
The captain then goes off and instructs her to see the ship doctor. 
After seeing the kind ship doctor, Alto realizes that there was a rope attached to her leg.
Upon asking about it, Luce appeared at the doorway with a bunch of the pervy eye shipmates again and says that it is for the shipmate's good and this shall be her leash. 
This scene is cute, but poor poor alto T~T!!

He then drags her to the captain's room. (hohoho...) and attempts to do something to her.
But she yelled "Luce" and he stopped. The next page is the scene below.

HAHAHAHA great comeback there Captain Scar! 
your meanness is attractive. ♥___♥

Captain Scar then fights in a ship battle and drops the anchor at a nearby town.
The entire town welcomes him with open arms and Alto is shocked.
The rest of chapter one shall be for you to read!
This is the last part of chapter one where the author drew an extra. 


For chapter 2, Armelia now knows that Luce is Captain Scar. 
(find out yourself how she knew by reading chapter one)
The page below is so funny! It is like, I would feel exactly the same way if the boy I used to love turned into a scary looking guy like that.

I love how Luce would always come up with excuses whenever people point out his concern(love) for Armelia. Its like if you said to him, HEY YOU HUGGED HER.
He is going to go like, NO SHE JUMPED INTO MY ARMS -drops alto-.

So Alto sticks around and starts to feel useless to the crew and Luce. 
Luce was discussing with his 2nd captain about gathering information about the navy at the nearby navy town and Alto volunteers to help. Luce reply was... (looks below)

Alto finally loses it and throws the plates she was holding at him HAHA.
(Look at Luce and his 2nd Captain's expressions)

All in all, we can see that Luce actually cares about her a lot, even when he makes cynical comments.

The pirates then drop anchor near the navy town and suddenly, a shipmate reported to the captain that Alto and a rowing boat was missing. Our pretty little Alto then signs up(signs up? HAHA cannot think of another word) at a pub that serves drinks and extra *services* to navy soldiers. 

A navy soldier had then taken notice of her and asks for the special "*service*...

Here comes the best part! 
The navy officer was interrupted by an apparently superior officer.. which was actually Luce in disguise. 

(sighhhh ♥__♥) 

Luce then "invites" her upstairs and..
asks her something that went like "DO YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO IN A PLACE LIKE THIS."
She then goes like she wanted to be of use and he tells her to prove it. 

(The "Don't play innocent here, Alto" scene is so handsome ♥__♥)

Alto then laughs it off, saying that she got this drug who would make anyone sleep like a baby from the kind ship doctor. I totally loved Scar's reaction to her "last resort protection against sex maniacs"
Bite... Spit... = broken bottle.
The expression of the "..well?" is the most gorgeous expression in the entire one shot manga. 

Although in a way, he is like playing with her. 
I personally feel that he is angry because he loves her. 

The next part of this would be known to you, should you read chapter 2 ^___^ ! 
Moving on to last chapter 3 :D 
Chapter 3 is about the devil music score, a score apparently so beautiful that it seems to be from heaven. So Alto somehow tempts the crew to go after it.

All their evil smirks. ☺

They set anchor near the place that contains the devil's music score and some of the crewmates including alto and luce leave the ship to search the island. 
Alto and luce decided to search the cave and the funny thing in the comic, is the shipmates' reactions.


While in the cave, Alto is trying her best to not be scared. (look at top left hand corner box below)

Luce must be feeling so smug right now.

She leaves Luce for just one second, and here comes trouble.
(really handsome navy trouble :x)

He is Luce's best friend from his past.
A navy officer :(

Read the last chapter for the rest of the bits I didn't mention! (especially the ending)
I rate this manga in the one shot manga world, about 4.5/5 ! 

A last spoiler!

Enjoy reading it and do tell me what you think about the manga below or something! :3 
Lots of love,

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