Welcome note and Latest updates!

Welcome to www.chiyoeandchihiro.blogspot.sg!
Click the tabs above to explore our site. ♥

14th May 2013 - Site created with lots of love. (uploaded Harumachi Platform manga review)
15th May 2013 - Site revamped to add on further tabs above, Mangas, Animes, Otome Games, Chiyoe and Chihiro 's updates and Contact us. (uploaded First Love by Aruko manga review)
16th May 2013 - (uploaded WANTED by Matsuri Hino manga review)

Otome Games

Disclaimer ♥
This page is for the reviews for the otome games! Should you want us to try several otome games, do recommend us the title by commenting below. If you know a free site to try the game, do write the link below as well ><! Last but not least would be that although Chiyoe and Chihiro is getting fluent in the hiragana, we still aren't able to play japanese language games without a translator app/program!

Otome games reviewed ♥

  • to be updated.

Otome games to be reviewed ♥

  • My forged wedding
  • Sleepless night

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