Welcome note and Latest updates!

Welcome to www.chiyoeandchihiro.blogspot.sg!
Click the tabs above to explore our site. ♥

14th May 2013 - Site created with lots of love. (uploaded Harumachi Platform manga review)
15th May 2013 - Site revamped to add on further tabs above, Mangas, Animes, Otome Games, Chiyoe and Chihiro 's updates and Contact us. (uploaded First Love by Aruko manga review)
16th May 2013 - (uploaded WANTED by Matsuri Hino manga review)

Chiyoe's updates

This is the space where Chiyoe will update weekly about what she is doing with her life now ☺
Might put up some pictures next time as well with regards to events she attends!

14th May 2013
"Happy birthday to this site! I'm so happy to be here ♥___♥!
Reviewed Harumachi platform earlier, please read onegaiiiiiiiiiiiishimasuuuuuuuuu~!"

16th May 2013
"It's 12AM now and I just completed reviewing my favourite one shot manga, WANTED by Matsuri Hino. Completed studying the hiragana earlier for Japanese test tomorrow as well. Guess it's time to sleep! Goodnight/morning everyone ☺."

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