Welcome note and Latest updates!

Welcome to www.chiyoeandchihiro.blogspot.sg!
Click the tabs above to explore our site. ♥

14th May 2013 - Site created with lots of love. (uploaded Harumachi Platform manga review)
15th May 2013 - Site revamped to add on further tabs above, Mangas, Animes, Otome Games, Chiyoe and Chihiro 's updates and Contact us. (uploaded First Love by Aruko manga review)
16th May 2013 - (uploaded WANTED by Matsuri Hino manga review)


Disclaimer! ♥
Below here is a list of the mangas that we have reviewed in alphabetical order! 
Click the manga title to go to the blog review that we did on it.
Should you want to recommend us to read and review a manga not in this list, do comment below this post the title and whatever you wish to say to us ☺

Reviewed! ♥

Below here is the list of mangas that will definitely be reviewed aka "The waiting List".
This is where Chiyoe or Chihiro will announce what they are going to review next with regards to manga, and where your recommendations to us will go! (should they not be reviewed inmediately) ☺

Future reviews/reading in process! ♥

  • Akagami no Shirayuki by Chiyoe 

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